Honors Program Admission

Photo of Aaron Lessing in front of the Globe sculpture one the campus green

Honors Program Admission

The Commonwealth Honors Program at Westfield State University employs educational equity and non-discriminatory practices to promote the inclusion and success of academically motivated and high potential learners from all communities and intersectional identities. This includes an open admissions process and articulation agreements with the community college members of the Commonwealth Honors Council. 

Group photo from the Honors Symposium including students and faculty smiling.

Application Process

The Honors Program welcomes applications from prospective students, including first-time first-year and transfer. In addition, Westfield State students in their first or second year are also encouraged to apply.

To be eligible, current and transfer students must have an overall GPA of 3.30 or above.

Apply as a First-Time First-Year Student

Students entering Westfield as a first-time first year student must complete and submit this application by March 1 for consideration to begin in Honors in the Fall semester. 

Complete the application 

Apply as a Westfield State University Student

The Commonwealth Honors Program seeks applications from students who can demonstrate a commitment to the program’s three value pillars: (1) Academic Excellence and Intellectual Curiosity, (2) Community Engagement and Leadership, and (3) Equity and Social Justice

Interested students who wish to apply should submit the following material by email to honors@westfield.ma.edu:

  1. A formal letter of intent demonstrating your commitment to the Honors Program Pillars.
  2. A letter of recommendation from a faculty member in your home department, outlining your fit for the program and confirming the department’s commitment to supporting you through the completion of the Commonwealth Honors Project.

Information for Transfer Students

Students who graduate from a Commonwealth Honors Program at a community college in MA are guaranteed admission to the program but must contact the Honors Program Director before the start of their first semester to register. Transfer students who have taken Honors courses at a previous institution may transfer up to 9 Honors credits. Other transfer students are invited to apply using the same process as current Westfield State students. 



Want to Learn More About the Honors Program?

Campus Globe against cloudy blue sky

Contact Us

Dr. Juliet Lee
Interim Director
Parenzo Hall 258R