Melvin Arroyo ‘03: Melvin A. Arroyo (M.S. – 2001) has worked in the Massachusetts legal system for more than 32 years. Beginning in 1992 as a Victim Witness Advocate, he progressed to the position of Probation Officer and, in 2014, was appointed Chief Probation Officer of Palmer District Court. In partnership with law enforcement and court officials, he actively participates in education regarding social justice, domestic violence, and substance abuse. By linking classroom learning with real-world application, Mr. Arroyo has coached many interns who have gone on to work in law enforcement. Beyond his court role, he has served the homeless, worked as a National Safety Council instructor, and helped low-income families purchase homes. Born and raised in Springfield's North End, he attributes his career to his education at Westfield State University and UMass Amherst. He currently lives in West Springfield with his wife, Maura, and is a proud father of two daughters, including Elyssa, a Westfield graduate and U.S. Air Force Reservist.
Bill Chase ‘78: As the founder and CEO of Sound Judgment Solutions, Bill Chase draws on his vast background in intelligence-driven operations and national security. Drawing on his experience as a leader at the FBI, TASC, and LexisNexis, he oversees strategic growth, partnerships, and program management. Over the course of his 25-year FBI career, Bill progressed from field operative to Special Agent in Charge, managing drug enforcement, organized crime, and counterterrorism in several states. On 9/11, he directed the FBI’s initial response and later pioneered strategic reforms, expanded foreign offices, and shaped domestic and international terrorism policies. Additionally, Bill oversaw large departments in Albany and Baltimore, managing hundreds of employees and multimillion-dollar budgets. In recognition of his contributions, he received nominations for both the FBI Medal of Valor and the Presidential Rank Award. Born in Boston, Bill has a J.D. from Vermont Law School, a B.A. in Political Science from Westfield State University, and further education from Northwestern's Kellogg School of Management.
John Deveney ’85: As a Special Agent in Boston, Deveney began working for NCIS in 1987, specializing in drug and property cases as well as crimes against people. He was awarded the NCIS Desert Shield/Desert Storm Medal in 1990 for his work as Special Agent Afloat aboard the USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67) during Operation Desert Shield/Storm. Later on, he taught at the Joint Counterintelligence Training Academy and served in Newport, Rhode Island. Deveney joined the USS Nassau as a Counterintelligence Staff Officer in 1999 while the alliance was conducting operations in Yugoslavia. He became involved in the 9/11 investigation in 2001 when he joined the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force. He later supervised Special Agent training at Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers. After serving as the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston's training and investigations chief from 2006 to 2009, he joined the SSA OIG and oversaw significant fraud investigations. After rejoining NCIS, Deveney has recovered millions for the U.S. Government, obtained federal convictions, and is still mentoring upcoming agents.
Gregory Hennick ’07: Gregory Hennick has been a full-time employee of the Provincetown Police Department since 2011 and currently serves as the Acting Chief. After graduating from Westfield State in 2007, he started working as a police officer with the Northampton Police Department before relocating to Provincetown. Hennick has served in a variety of capacities, such as field training officer, academy instructor, firearms instructor, SWAT operator, and motor officer. As a member of the Cape Cod Regional Law Enforcement Council SWAT team, he also helped with the Watertown manhunt and provided security in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013. In 2017, after moving up through the ranks to Sergeant and Lieutenant, he was accepted into the FBI National Academy, a program that is exclusive to 1% of senior law enforcement. He is currently pursuing a second master's degree from Suffolk University, having earned a bachelor's from Westfield State and a master's from Northeastern. Hennick attributes his accomplishments to the steadfast support of his wife, Julia, and their two kids, and he is still committed to mentoring aspiring officers.
David Lambert ’81: Dr. David E. Lambert is the director of Roger Williams University's Justice System Training and Research Institute (JSTRI) and the acting dean of the School of Justice Studies. Having graduated from Westfield State College in 1981, his areas of expertise include criminal intelligence, traffic safety, policing innovation, and firearm safety. He has conducted studies on crime mapping, police cruiser crashes, and gun violence. Most recently, he has worked with the New Jersey State Police to analyze crime gun intelligence. He served for 25 years as a member of the Massachusetts State Police and was involved in important homeland security and staffing studies. He graduated from Florida State University with a master's degree in criminology and Northeastern University with a doctorate. Dr. Lambert is currently working on a federal grant to create a trauma-informed policing curriculum for agencies across the country. Additionally, he oversees professional development initiatives for justice practitioners at JSTRI and instructs classes in grant writing, policing, and intelligence-led policing.
Michael McCabe ’84, M’94: Serving his second term as Mayor of Westfield, Michael McCabe assumed office on January 3, 2022. He served with the Westfield Police Department for 36 years before retiring as a captain in 2021. He graduated from Westfield State University with a B.S. in Criminology (1984) and an M.S. in Criminal Justice (1994). He is also an FBI National Academy graduate. As a committed community leader, McCabe is a Charter Member of the Westfield Centennial Lions Club and has represented Baystate Noble Hospital and the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Westfield on their boards. In his capacity as mayor, he has forged closer ties with state leadership, secured the F-35 contract at Barnes Air Force Base, and spearheaded significant infrastructure improvements. Additionally, he is a major contributor to downtown revitalization and economic development. By encouraging cooperation for the good of the city and the university, McCabe maintains a solid relationship with Westfield State University.
John Moran ’79: Born in Worcester, Massachusetts, and a 1979 Westfield State University graduate, John K. Moran has a long and illustrious career in homeland security and federal law enforcement. Before joining the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as a special agent and federal air marshal, he was a founding member of the Containment and Emergency Response Team (CERT) while working as a U.S. Capitol Police officer. By advising the FAA Assistant Administrator and formulating important recommendations that shaped the Aviation and Transportation Security Act, Moran played a significant role in forming post-9/11 aviation security policy on September 11, 2001. He later held senior executive roles at TSA, leading initiatives such as the Federal Flight Deck Officer program. In recognition of his service, Moran was recognized in the Congressional Record after retiring as the U.S. Department of Labor's Deputy Assistant Secretary. Ultimately, his career is defined by a commitment to national security and transformative efforts in aviation safety.
Dr. Alice Perry, Distinguished Service: As a former state prosecutor, Dr. Perry has vast experience in prosecuting serious felonies, such as drug trafficking, homicide, arson, and crimes involving gangs. She has worked alongside local and federal law enforcement agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. In addition, she has served as Worcester's assistant city solicitor and a state employee and law enforcement labor representative. Dr. Perry, along with Dr. Vic Ascolillo and Colonel (ret.) Marian McGovern, co-founded the Criminal Justice Hall of Fame and an endowed scholarship while teaching criminal justice at Westfield State University. She was awarded a President's Innovation Grant to create a program in criminal forensics. Her research includes publications on female wardens and pornography laws, as well as partnerships with South Korean academics on cybercrime. She has presented at the Women in Law Enforcement Conference and is the author of Federal and State Courts: History-Making Legal Precedents.