Academic Warning
In some instances, students may encounter academic or personal obstacles that result in them being placed on academic warning. The Office of Academic Advising & Transfer Transition is committed to assisting students who find themselves in this situation. Below you will find the Universities Academic Standing Policy.
Advising for Students on Academic Warning
Students on academic warning are required to work with a professional advisor (in addition to their departmentally-assigned faculty advisor) within the Office of Academic Advising & Transfer Transition to improve their own academic performance. Students on academic warning may be required, at the advisor’s discretion, to:
- Meet for individual advising appointments on a regular basis,
- Meet to review mid-semester progress reports,
- Respond to communications from the academic warning advisor throughout the semester, and/or
- Follow any conditions mutually agreed upon between the professional advisor and the student or set by the Committee on Academic Standing when approving an appeal for a dismissed student to return on academic warning.
In consultation with the assigned professional advisor, students are responsible for developing a strategy to bring their GPA up to the necessary level. The strategy should include specific direction with regard to course load, course selection and/or ongoing advising and academic support. The plan must be in writing, and a copy will be placed in the student’s file for monitoring purposes. Failure to participate in regularly scheduled appointments, comply with any conditions and/or follow developed plans will be shared with the appropriate division’s Committee on Academic Standing if a student on academic warning is subsequently dismissed and files an appeal to be reinstated.
Students may not appeal warning status. In order to have the warning status removed from their record, students with incomplete grades on their record must complete the work and have a grade submitted before the end of the add/drop period of the subsequent semester.
Success Strategies for Students on Academic Warning
- Meet regularly with your academic advisor
- Attend classes regularly
- Be on time and practice good time management
- Take notes and review your notes often
- Consider repeating courses to repair your GPA
- Use a planner and record all deadlines for upcoming tests, papers, presentations, and exams
- Utilize campus resources like tutoring or the Counseling Center
- Meet instructors during their office hours to ask questions or address concerns
Academic Warning Advisors
Bill Pass
(413) 572-8815
Tatiyana Morrell
(413) 572-8152