Congratulations Class of 2025!
Hoot! Hoot!

Student wearing cap and gown at commencement holding diploma smiling.

Save the Date!

Join us for an unforgettable celebration on Friday, May 16, 2025 at the MassMutual Center, 1277 Main Street, Springfield, Massachusetts 01103.

  • Undergraduate Commencement: 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
  • Graduate Commencement: 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Undergraduate Commencement

Friday, May 16, 2025—MassMutual Center

Undergraduate Commencement 11 a.m.



To graduate, students must have:

  • a minimum of 120 credits earned,
  • an institutional GPA of 2.0 or greater
  • a minimum major GPA as defined by your department and satisfy the core and requirements of all academic programs on your record in order to graduate

Students who are approved to participate will receive an email from the Registrar’s Office with an RSVP link to sign up for tickets starting in mid-March.

Tickets will be emailed by the MassMutual Center the first week of May.

Students not eligible to graduate but want to participate in commencement must meet the requirement listed below:

  • have at least 114 credits earned by the end of the semester, AND
  • be within two courses of completing all degree requirements at Commencement, AND
  • have a minimum cumulative institutional GPA of 2.0 as well as a 2.0 GPA in the major, AND
  • have a specific plan for completing the missing requirements
  • for more information please contact the Registrar's Office

*Please note that participating in Commencement may not indicate that you are cleared to graduate. The official transcript, sealed and signed by the Registrar, exclusively and definitively confirms the student’s academic record and possession of degree(s) awarded by Westfield State University. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the Registrar's Office.

Commencement Tickets

Commencement Tickets

Tickets for families, friends and guests will be issued electronically from the MassMutual Center.

  • If you are eligible to participate in Commencement, you will receive an email with an RSVP link from the Registrar’s Office in mid-March that you must reply to.
  • If you plan to attend Commencement, you MUST respond to the RSVP form. The RSVP date will be announced soon.
  • If you do not receive an email from the Registrar’s Office and would like to petition to participate, please contact the Registrar’s Office at for assistance.
  • Each undergraduate will be provided with a maximum of five (5) guest tickets for Commencement.
  • Students graduating do not need a ticket.

Information will also be provided in the MassMutual Center email on how to transfer the tickets to each of your guests.

  • All guest seats are General Admission.
  • ALL TICKETS ARE ELECTRONIC. Guests must have an e-ticket to enter the center.
  • Tickets will be scanned at the entrance.
  • Each ticket has a distinct access code and may only be used once.
  • The tickets are non-replaceable and do not have monetary value.
  • The University does not support or condone the selling of guest tickets.
  • WSU is not responsible for lost, stolen or destroyed guest tickets.
  • Undergraduate Commencement guests will enter at the box office located on Bruce Landon Way beginning at 9:30 a.m.
  • Guest tickets are free of charge.
  • Guests are prohibited from bringing balloons, food or beverages into the MassMutual Center.
  • Undergraduate Commencement will begin at 11:00 a.m. and last until approximately 2:00 p.m.

To allow for maximum access for graduates and their guests, there will not be any tickets available for faculty and staff who wish to attend without participation in the ceremony. Faculty in attendance should be in the processional; staff may volunteer by contacting Chris Hirtle at

Commencement Day Instructions for Students

Watch a video walkthrough
Students graduating should plan to arrive at the MassMutual Center for robing and processional between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.

  • There is no secure storage for valuables.
  • Look for signs directing you to the correct entrance for students located on the corner of Main St and Bruce Landon Way.
  • Guests will enter the MassMutual Center at the Main entrance on Bruce Landon Way.
  • Once inside students will be directed to the Exhibition Hall. Just inside the Exhibition Hall, check in to receive your name card and honors tassel if you have earned Latin Honors.
  • Hold on to your name card, as you will present it to the reader at the microphone when you walk across the platform during the program. If you do not have a card, your name will not be announced.
  • Once you have received your card, find the sign for your major and get in line for the processional. You will follow your academic department in rows of two, and you will end up sitting next to whomever you are walking in front of or behind as the two rows will split when you enter the arena. The banners with the names of majors will be positioned alphabetically behind the banner with the name of your College:
  • When it is time for your major to approach the platform, those students on the left will approach from the left side and those on the right will approach from the right side. You will receive your diploma cover, stop for your photo, hand your name card to the reader at the podium, and shake the hand of the President or Chair of the Board of Trustees. All students exit the platform from the enter ramp and return to their original seats. WSU staff will be there to direct you.
  • Please remain on the arena floor until the recessional at the end of the ceremony, and help assure the appropriate decorum to mark this important event in your life.
Caps/Gowns - Regalia

Here’s what you need to know to pick up your graduation attire:

  • Cost: $43 (includes cap, gown, and tassel)
  • Sizing: You'll need to provide your height and weight for proper fit. Please be accurate—exchanges are possible but may be difficult.
  • Optional Add-On: A Graduation Cap Companion ($10), which allows your cap to attach to a headband to help preserve your hairstyle.

Visit the bookstore to place your order. There will be no pickup or in-store ordering until mid-April, but orders can be submitted via email until then. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Kali at 413-579-3100 or email

Faculty Rentals: Faculty rentals are available in-store and by contacting


Alpha Alpha Alpha
Navy & Silver Intertwined Double Cords
First-generation Honor Society

Alpha Phi Sigma
Blue & Gold with Gold Tassels
Criminal Justice Honor Society

Banacos Academic Center
Teal & Black

Beta Beta Beta
Green & Red
Biology Honor Society
Advisors: Jason Ramsay at and Robin White at

Campus Pride


Gamma Sigma Epsilon
Royal Blue & White
Chemistry National Honor Society
Advisor: Ashley Evanoski Cole at

Gamma Theta Upsilon
(One of each of blue, gold, and brown) representing the three domains of geography: brown for the Earth, light blue for the Sea, and gold for the sunlight in the sky
International Geographical Honor Society

Honors Program Commonwealth Scholars

Honors Program University / Honors Scholars

Kappa Delti Pi
Purple, Green, & Gold Intertwined
Education Honor Society
Advisor: Laurie Risler at

Red & Gold

Lambda Pi Eta
Red & White
National Communication Honor Society
Advisors: Shirley Acquah at and Maddy Cahill at

Lambda Honor Society
Royal Blue & Gold
The national honor society for second-year undergraduate students, and is dedicated to the purpose of fostering leadership, scholarship, fellowship and service. 

Omicron Delta Epsilon
Navy Blue & Gold
Economic Honor Society
Advisors: James Schlaffer at and Susanne Chuku at

Phi Alpha Theta
Light Blue & Red
History Honor Society
Advisor: Nick Aieta at

Phi Kappa Phi
Blue & Gold
Honors Society recognizing academic excellence regardless of discipline. Doesn’t have any officers now. Is retired.

Pi Sigma Alpha
Red, White, & Black
Political Science Honor Society
Advisor: Charles DiStefano at

Psi Chi
Silver & Navy Blue
Psychology Honor Society
Advisors: Alex Daniel at and Summer Williams at

Senior Gift Campaign
Royal blue, Gold, & White

Sigma Beta Delta
Green & Gold
Business Honor Society

Sigma Theta Tau
Purple & White
Advisor: Joan Kuhnly at

Sigma Tau Delta
Red & Black
English Honor Society
Advisor: Glen Brewster at

Tau Sigma
Gold & Dark Burgundy
Transfer Honor Society
Advisors: Brittany Garand at and Bill Pass at

*Students must have completed a minimum of 45 credit hours at Westfield State University to be eligible for graduation honors. View the catalog entry Graduation Awards and Latin Honors to learn more.

Solid Red

Urban Education Program
Red, Black & Silver Intertwined

Veteran & Military Services
Red, White, & Blue
Veterans wear on left shoulder/Right shoulder for family members

Diploma Covers, Diplomas and Latin Honors

Students will only receive a diploma jacket as you approach the platform. Actual diplomas will be mailed out at a later date. For undergraduate students, Latin Honors (Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, and Cum Laude) are indicated by a gold tassel given to you on the day of commencement by registrar staff.


We know that having photographs of this occasion is very important to family and friends. Therefore, to clearly capture the moment when each graduate walks across the platform, the University has engaged the services of an experienced professional photographer. High-quality color photographs will be offered to every graduate for purchase soon after Commencement.

Commencement Programs

To align with our commitment to sustainability, digital programs will be accessible on the day of the event. Attendees can use their smartphones to access the program via a QR code provided at the ceremony. Those who are participating virtually will also have the option to view the program.

Directions, Parking and Lodging

Please plan ahead for travel and parking.

This time of year is also very busy for Downtown Springfield so please take caution and review all information provided here.

For directions to the MassMutual Center, please visit:

Please note that some streets will be closed beginning at 10:00 am on Friday, May 16 to prepare for the annual "World's Largest Pancake Breakfast." Impacted streets include Main St to Bridge St, Boland Way, Harrison Ave, Court St, Bruce Landon Way, and City Hall Place, as illustrated on the MassMutual Center/MGM map.


Parking is available for free at the MGM parking garage on Union Street and East Columbus Avenue.  Parking is also available in the the Springfield Parking Authority lots and under I-91. Parking Lot 91N and 91S Garage will be offering a reduced $5 rate for Commencement. 

The MassMutual Center is anticipating the opening of a new parking garage in February. Stay tuned for more details.

Leaving the Commencement Ceremony

ADA guests will be able to exit via the elevator.

Enjoy your visit!

The Greater Springfield area has a wide range of dining options and a number of attractive hotel venues. Please visit Explore Western Mass as well as MassMutual Center: Area Hotels to find listings of local restaurants and hotels.

Accessibility and Accommodations

We want all of our guest to have an opportunity to enjoy this special event. The MassMutual Center is fully accessible. Guest entrance is on Bruce Landon Way between Main Street and Dwight Street. Elevators are located at this entrance.

We advise guests requiring wheelchair assistance to bring their personal wheelchairs from home, as venue wheelchairs may be in use. 

We will have closed captioning available on all large screens in the arena and on the live video feed. The MassMutual Center will provide Assisted Listening Devices (ALD’s) upon request. Please call them at 413-787-6610 to arrange for an ALD two days prior to the event. ALD’s will be available for pickup at the guest services booth on the arena concourse. Live streaming of the ceremonies will be available through the WSU home page.

If you or a guest have special needs, please contact the MassMutual Center at 413-271-3257.

For more information on accessibility and accommodations at the MassMutual Center:

Graduate Commencement

Friday, May 16, 2025—MassMutual Center

Graduate Commencement 4:30 p.m.


Participation in the ceremony is allowed to those graduate students who will have completed all degree requirements by the date of the May ceremony, and to those students who meet the following criteria:

  1. Students who have completed all requirements in August or December of the previous year, or January of this year.
  2. Students who have completed all course requirements and are expected to complete their thesis/capstone over the summer. This would require the approval of their program administrator.
  3. Students who have completed their comprehensive examination/thesis/capstone, and have one unsatisfied course requirement which can be completed by July 15, 2025. This must be a course already scheduled to be offered over summer session I of the same year as the commencement in which they participate.

There will be no exceptions to commencement participation as indicated above. Graduate students must maintain a minimum overall average of 3.0 and meet all other degree requirements in order to be eligible for graduation. Graduate students in good academic standing are by definition honors students. The designation of Latin honors (Summa cum Laude, Magna cum Laude, Cum Laude) does not apply to graduate students. Students are welcome to wear any cords that may have been received at the undergraduate level.

Further details will be sent to eligible students. If you do not receive your detailed letter by the end of April and believe you are eligible, please contact Christa Cervone at 413-572-8804 or

Commencement Tickets

Tickets for families, friends and guests will be issued electronically from the MassMutual Center.

  • If you are eligible to participate in Commencement, you will receive an email with a participation form from the Registrar’s office in mid-March.
  • If you plan to attend Commencement, you MUST respond to the RSVP form. The RSVP date will be announced soon.
  •  If you did not receive information about participating in Commencement and would like to participate, please email
  • Each graduate student will be provided with a maximum of ten (10) guest tickets for Commencement.
  • Students graduating do not need a ticket.

Information will also be provided in the MassMutual Center email on how to transfer the tickets to each of your guests.

  • All guest seats are General Admission.
  • ALL TICKETS ARE ELECTRONIC. Guests must have an e-ticket to enter the center.
  • Tickets will be scanned at the entrance.
  • Each ticket has a distinct access code and may only be used once.
  • The tickets are non-replaceable and do not have monetary value.
  • The University does not support or condone the selling of guest tickets.
  • WSU is not responsible for lost, stolen or destroyed guest tickets.
  • Graduate Commencement guests will enter at the box office located on Bruce Landon Way beginning at 3:30 p.m.
  • Guest tickets are free of charge.
  • Guests are prohibited from bringing balloons, food or beverages into the MassMutual Center.
  • Graduate Commencement will begin at 4:30 p.m. and last until approximately 6:30 p.m.

To allow for maximum access for graduates and their guests, there will not be any tickets available for faculty and staff who wish to attend without participation in the ceremony. Faculty in attendance should be in the processional; staff may volunteer by contacting Chris Hirtle at

Commencement Day Instructions for Students

Degree candidates must report in cap and gown to the MassMutual Center for robing and processional at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, May 16, 2025. The tassel on your cap should be worn on the left front side. 

  1. There is no secure storage for valuables.
  2. Look for signs directing you to the correct entrance for students located on the corner of Main St and Bruce Landon Way.
  3. Guests will enter the Mass Mutual Center at the Main entrance on Bruce Landon Way.
  4. Once inside students will be directed to the Exhibition Hall. Just inside the Exhibition Hall, check in to receive your name card.
  5. When your name is called, you will proceed across the stage where you will be greeted by your faculty mentor and hooded, you will then shake the hand of the President or Chair of the Board of Trustees, stop for your photo and then return to your seat.

We expect that students will respect all graduates by returning to their seats quietly until everyone has been hooded and students are pronounced officially graduated. Please do not bring balloons into the MassMutual Center.

Caps/Gowns - Regalia

Here’s what you need to know to pick up your graduation attire:

  • Cost: $95 (includes cap, gown, hood, and tassel)
  • Sizing: You'll need to provide your height and weight for proper fit. Please be accurate—exchanges are possible but may be difficult.
  • Degree Information: Your area of study is required, as hood colors vary by degree.
  • Optional Add-On: A Graduation Cap Companion ($10), which allows your cap to attach to a headband to help preserve your hairstyle.

Visit the bookstore to place your order. There will be no pickup or in-store ordering until mid-April, but orders can be submitted via email until then. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Kali at 413-579-3100 or email

Faculty Rentals: Faculty rentals are available in-store and by contacting

Diploma Covers and Diplomas

Students will only receive a diploma jacket as you approach the platform. Actual diplomas will be mailed out at a later date.


We know that having photographs of this occasion is very important to family and friends. Therefore, to clearly capture the moment when each graduate walks across the platform, the University has engaged the services of an experienced professional photographer. High-quality color photographs will be offered to every graduate for purchase soon after Commencement.

Commencement Programs

To align with our commitment to sustainability, digital programs will be accessible on the day of the event. Attendees can use their smartphones to access the program via a QR code provided at the ceremony. Those who are participating virtually will also have the option to view the program.

Directions, Parking and Lodging

Please plan ahead for travel and parking.

This time of year is also very busy for Downtown Springfield so please take caution and review all information provided here.

For directions to the MassMutual Center, please visit:

Please note that some streets will be closed beginning at 10:00 am on Friday, May 16 to prepare for the annual "World's Largest Pancake Breakfast." Impacted streets include Main St to Bridge St, Boland Way, Harrison Ave, Court St, Bruce Landon Way, and City Hall Place, as illustrated on MGM's map.


Parking is available for free at the MGM parking garage on Union Street and East Columbus Avenue.  Parking is also available in the the Springfield Parking Authority lots and under I-91. Parking Lot 91N and 91S Garage will be offering a reduced $5 rate for Commencement. 

The MassMutual Center is anticipating the opening of a new parking garage in February. Stay tuned for more details.

Leaving the Commencement Ceremony

ADA guests will be able to exit via the elevator.

Enjoy your visit!

The Greater Springfield area has a wide range of dining options and a number of attractive hotel venues. Please visit Explore Western Mass as well as MassMutual Center: Area Hotels to find listings of local restaurants and hotels.

Accessibility and Accommodations

We want all of our guest to have an opportunity to enjoy this special event. The MassMutual Center is fully accessible. Guest entrance is on Bruce Landon Way between Main Street and Dwight Street. Elevators are located at this entrance.

We advise guests requiring wheelchair assistance to bring their personal wheelchairs from home, as venue wheelchairs may be in use. 

We will have closed captioning available on all large screens in the arena and on the live video feed. The MassMutual Center will provide Assisted Listening Devices (ALD’s) upon request. Please call them at 413-787-6610 to arrange for an ALD two days prior to the event. ALD’s will be available for pickup at the guest services booth on the arena concourse. Live streaming of the ceremonies will be available through the WSU home page.

If you or a guest have special needs, please contact the MassMutual Center at 413-271-3257.

For more information on accessibility and accommodations at the MassMutual Center:

Have questions concerning the ceremony?