Westfield Celebrates its 95th Annual Fair

The annual Westfield fair was established in 1927, under the name of the “young people’s Agricultural Association” before eventually being rebranded as the “Westfield Fair” in 1953. Westfield State University shares part of the fair’s history as the event was originally held on the Normal School grounds prior to our move to Western Avenue.
Early attractions including “flowers, vegetables, and sewing products produced by grade school and young teen students.” It was eventually relocated to the Westfield Women’s Club House, followed by the Armory, Westfield High School, and then Blanchard Farm. In 1955, after the grounds flooded and the Ferris wheel washed away to West Springfield, the fair moved the event to the Westfield Fair Association, where it is still held today.
This year is the fair’s 95th year, marking it a well-loved tradition by the people of Westfield and its surrounding communities. Attractions advertised for this year include lawnmower racing, rodeos, petting zoos, truck and equipment shows, hay-bale tosses, amusement rides, free activities for kids, live music, and various food and drink concession stands, among others. In the spirit of tradition, there will also be an exhibit hall to display flowers, vegetables, and handmade items to browse, echoing the fair’s first several functions. On Sunday, the annual auction begins at 6 p.m. with the proceeds benefiting the fair.
A dedicated team of volunteers are responsible for the ground’s year-round maintenance, as well as the fair’s organization, marketing, and contracting. The Westfield Fair Association, Inc’s mission statement boasts the long, often familial desire to keep the fair running. They also credit their team of volunteers as well as their dedication as to what makes the events such a success. “Looking back through the original fair books,” it says, “we can find the names of the grandparents and great-grandparents of many of the present members and officers of the fair today.”
Tickets are $10 for general admissions, $8 for seniors, and free for children under 12 if they are paired with an adult admission. A full schedule of the fair’s events can be found on their website. The fair itself runs from August 18—20 at 137 Russell Road, Westfield, MA.