Students and Champions Attend 2023 New Student Orientation

In anticipation of the upcoming academic season, new students met student coordinators for introductions, overviews and guidance related to education opportunities and extracurricular experiences for the Fall 2023 semester at Westfield State University.
Following check-ins, the new students and Champions were then provided with information about the orientation’s agenda. Activities varied throughout the course of several hours and operated on a rotation basis, with students introducing themselves to the faculty chairs of their chosen majors. Subsequently, they met with Academic Advising and the Course Achievement, Retention, and Engagement (C.A.R.E.) program for information about joining the student body.
At noon, the groups ate lunch and were able to connect with more campus resources which will supplement their time as an Owl. Some of these resources included learning about the university’s athletics teams and various leadership opportunities with the university's Student Activities, Involvement, and Planning (SAIL) program. Information on Banacos Academic Center, the Center for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (CURCA), and campus’ Counseling Center was given as well. Later in the afternoon, students and Champions regrouped in Scanlon Hall to discuss the importance of a General Education curriculum.
The final part of the day consisted of three more rotating sessions where students were briefed on an overview of campus’ technology and how they’ll be able to utilize their respective classrooms and labs during the semester. Student panels from current Owls were then presented, followed by time set aside for students and Champions to take care of any administrative tasks before the start of the next semester.
The final two sessions of new student orientation will take place on June 22nd and 23rd from 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.